Data. Business. Brand.
New IT architectures and applications are creating new opportunities to streamline business processes and cut costs, but they also introduce new risks that demand effective management. Intrusions, identity theft and intellectual asset loss are often an organization's worst nightmare because, in the ultimate analysis, the organization's brand image, financial results and reputation all depend on the integrity of the organization's business processes.At the same time, new, burdensome regulatory compliance requirements impose additional strains of cost, complexity, inconvenience and potential liabilities. IT and security professionals have a new and increasing burden of documenting, tracking and reporting their compliance levels to their corporate management as well as to Federal and state regulators.
Information assets must be available for discovery. Ensuring this compliance requires the creation, testing and implementation of new business processes (and the modification of existing ones). This requires both technical and workflow changes. Moreover, security breaches are more creative and dangerous than ever, and their associated business and regulatory penalties have become ever more severe. The insurance vertical, which deals with a tremendous amount of personal information, is probably even more subject to regulation and compliance than any other. SaaS Leaders Security and Compliance Services combine best-practice guidelines for regulation-specific reporting, policy-based guidelines and benchmarks to measure and monitor ongoing compliance efforts, and network and product configurations for infrastructure deployment.
Our team of certified and experienced professionals can help our clients comply with key regulations like the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, HIPAA and SAS 70. Starting with both compliance imperatives and business requirements, we will help define key processes, deploy best-of-breed, cost-effective security products & tools, and conduct employee awareness programs. The result will be a comprehensive security management infrastructure that protects the organization's information assets. Our clients will gain the ability to prevent, detect and track any security breach, whether it is internal or external, and be able to use our extractable metrics to get a pulse on the state of their business.